海参焖元蹄 Braised Trotter with Sea Cucumber

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1. 猪手炸金黄色后,捞起滴干油备用。
2. 锅内留少许热油,爆香香料,放入猪手与调味料,注入盖过猪手的清水以大火煮至滚。转小火继续煲1小时半至猪脚软为止,把猪脚盛出待用。
3. 另起锅煮沸适量清水,川烫海参、香菇、甜豆、红萝卜。(图1-2)
4. 将川烫材料全部放入焖猪脚的汤汁中,加入猪脚兜匀,勾芡即可上桌(图3-6)

1 Pig trotter, 300g processed sea cucumber, 100g Chinese mushroom, 50g sweet pea, 50g carrot
【Spice ingredients】
50g shallot, 50g garlic, some spring onion, ginger slices and star anise
½ tbsp chicken powder, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, some rock sugar, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1. Deep fry trotter until golden brown in hot oil.
2. Keep some oil in wok, sauté garlic and ginger slices until fragrant, add in trotter and all seasoning;
pour in water that enough to cover trotter, bring to quick boil. Turn to low heat and continue simmer for
1½ hour. Dish out the trotter and set aside.
3. Bring water to boil, blanch sea cucumber, mushroom, sweet peas and carrot, dish out. (pic
4. Return blanched ingredients into braised sauce and bring to boil, toss in braised trotter, thicken with
starch and dish out.(pic 3-6)

